A business cannot survive without management because management is its means of support. Management is concerned with acquiring maximum prosperity with minimum efforts. Management is essential wherever group efforts are required to be directed towards achievements of common goals.
In this management conscious age, the significance of management can hardly be over emphasized. It is said that any.............................................................................
thing minus management amounts to nothing. There is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done through others.
Some underestimate the importance of management in business but the latest researches have shown that it is certainly not the case. The input of the labor, capital and raw materials can never become production without the catalyst of management. Management is a dynamic life-giving element in an organization. In its absence, the resources of production remain underutilized and can never become production. In fact, without efficient management, no country can become a nation.
Business is basically a group activity and management plays an important role in making it more effective. The group as a whole cannot realize its objectives unless and until there is mutual cooperation and coordination among the members of the groups.
Management creates teamwork and team spirit in an organization by developing a sound organizational structure. It brings the human and material resources together and motivates the people for the achievement of goals.
The available resources of production are put to use in such a way that all sort of wastages and inefficiencies are reduced to a minimum. If the managers in any business are not considerate and good at their job, nothing worthwhile can be expected of the subordinates. The motivation level of the employees is directly related to good management. Management creates and maintains an environment conducive to higher efficiency and performance.
A business enterprise operates in a constantly changing environment. Changes in the business environment create risk and also provide opportunities for growth. A conducive and encouraging environment is indispensable for any business and sound management makes it possible easily.
All organizations depend upon group efforts. Group action and joint efforts have become necessary in every walk of life. Management is required wherever two or more people work together to achieve common objectives.
The success in group efforts depends upon mutual cooperation among the members of the group. Management creates teamwork and coordination among specialized efforts.
Management is indispensable in all organizations whether a business firm, a government, a hospital, a college, a club, etc. Management is a creative force which helps in the optimum utilization of resources.
Competent managerial leadership alone can convert the disorganized resources of men, money, materials and machinery into a productive enterprise. In the absence of management, an organization is merely a collection of men, money, materials and machinery.
According to Trucker, "management is the dynamic life-giving element in every business. Without it the resources of production remain resources and never become production". Management is the catalyst without which no organization can survive and grow.
Management is required to plan, organize, direct and control group efforts. Management provides leadership and motivation to individuals. There is continuous need for management in an organization.
As an innovative force, management performs the same role in an organization which brain does in the human body. It is the fundamental coordinating mechanism that underlies organized endeavor.
The importance of management has increased tremendously in recent years due to increase in the size and complexity of organizations, turbulent environment and growing responsibilities of business.
Sound management helps in maximizing output and minimizing costs. It maintains a dynamic equilibrium between an organization and its ever changing environment. Management is responsible for the creation, survival and growth of organizations.
The significance of management in the modern business world has increased tremendously due to the following challenges.
(i) Growing size and complexity of business.
(ii) Increasing specialization of work,
(iii) Cut throat competition in the market,
(iv) Growing unionization of labor.
(v) Sophisticated and capital intensive technology,
(vi)Increasing complexity of business decisions,
(vii) Growing regulation of business by the Government,
(viii) Need for research and development,
(ix) Turbulent environment of business.
(x) Need for reconciling the interests of various groups, e.g., owners, workers, customers and the public,
(xi) Need for optimum utilization of scarce resources.
Management is equally important at the national level. It is an agent of change and economic growth. The prosperity, power and prestige of a nation depend upon the competence and dedication of its managers and administrators.
President Roosevelt of U.S.A. once said: "a government without good management is a house built on sand." Management makes a significant social contribution by supplying goods and services, employment, tax revenue, etc.
According to Ureic and Breach, "no ideology, no 'ism', no political theory can win a greater output with less effort from a given complex of human and material resources except sound management. And it is on such greater output that a higher standard of life, more leisure, more amenities for all must necessarily be founded." Management is an important organ of an industrial society.
In a developing country like India, the significance of management can hardly be over emphasized. Higher efficiency and higher productivity is the only hope of the people, more than 60 per cent of whom are living below the poverty line.
A welfare state cannot realize its twin objectives of economic growth and social justice without a well-organized management system. The root cause of India's backwardness lies in the underutilization and mystification of the country's resources.
The most important reason for the poor performance of our development plans has been inadequate and inefficient administrative machinery. We have sunk cores of rupees in the public sector. In the absence of competent and devoted management the investment is not being utilized properly.
Poor management is the main cause of sickness in private sector. We are underdeveloped because we are undermanaged and mismanaged. Dedicated and professional managers can convert the tremendous latent energy of people into wealth.
"The achievement of business management enables us today to promise the abolition of the grinding poverty that has been mankind's lot through the ages". Management is the key for unlocking the forces of economic growth. It is the crucial factor in economic and social development.
Managers are the custodians of the hopes and aspirations of the masses. In fact, "management is one and at the same time the determiner of our economic progress, the employer of our educated, the amasser of our resources, the guide for effective government, the strength of our national defense, and the molder of our society".
Developed and underdeveloped countries are infect Veil managed' and 'poorly managed" countries. Management aims at the optimum utilization of available resources to secure productive performance. "The managers of an organization are concerned with the maximization of output obtainable from a given amount of input or similarly the minimization of kaput for a given level of output.
Fulfillment of such a purpose is the only justification for the existence of a managerial function". Managers are the true leaders of the economic machinery of a nation. They enrich the economic life of the country by purposeful administration of resources.
They also develop human talent. What we lack most is not skill or capital but management. Therefore, the development of managerial talent must receive top priority under our development plans. Without an adequate supply of talented general and specialized managers, economic development is retarded.
According to the late President John F. Kennedy, the role of management in our society is critical in human progress. It serves to improve standards of living of all people through effective utilization of human and material resources.
By designing job structures that provide opportunities for self-expression, and initiative, management provides human satisfaction. Management makes all the difference in the quality of life between nations. Thus, management is an essential instrument of human progress and keystone of modern society.
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